Does Colorado Offer any Rebates or Credits for Homeowners Adding Solar?

Does Colorado Offer any Rebates or Credits for Homeowners Adding Solar?

Yes, Colorado offers a variety of rebates and credits to homeowners who install solar energy systems in their homes. These incentives are designed to encourage the use of clean, renewable energy and make it more financially feasible for homeowners to switch to solar.

Xcel Energy Solar Rewards Program

One of the main incentives available to Colorado homeowners is the Solar Rewards Program, which is administered by Xcel Energy, the state's largest electric utility. Under this program, homeowners who install a solar energy system in their home are eligible to receive a rebate based on the size and type of system installed. 

Colorado Energy Office

In addition to the Solar Rewards Program, Colorado Energy Office also offers grants to low income homeowners who install solar energy systems. 

City of Denver

The city of Denver also offers a solar rebate program, which provides rebates of up to $2,000 for homeowners who install solar energy systems in their homes.

Colorado Tax Exemption

Colorado also offers a property tax exemption for solar energy systems. Under this exemption, the value of a solar energy system is not included in the property's taxable value, which can help homeowners save money on their property taxes.

Federal Tax Credit

Finally, Colorado homeowners may also be eligible for federal tax credits for installing solar energy systems. The Inflation Reduction Act tax credit, which is a federal tax credit available to homeowners who install solar energy systems in their homes, provides a credit equal to 30% of the total cost of the system. This credit is available for systems installed after January 1, 2023. 

Overall, Colorado offers a variety of rebates and credits to homeowners who install solar energy systems in their homes, including the Solar Rewards Program, rebates from the Colorado Energy Office and the city of Denver, a property tax exemption, and the Inflation Reduction Act tax credit. These incentives can help make the switch to solar more financially feasible for homeowners and encourage the use of clean, renewable energy.

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